Field Journal (Draw and write about something you learned this week.) Length: 1st grade just a few words; 2nd grade 1-2 sentences; 3rd grade and up 3-5 sentences.
LAB: Use whatever you have around the house to make a tiny "chain reaction" with blocks, toys, etc. This video link has some big ideas, but just do a tiny one!! Watch this to be inspired:
Add your notes for next week to the Google Doc "Week 18: Energy" (by Monday at 6pm)
2 field journals
FINISH chemical burning lab from last week
Study for big quiz (Magnets and Chemistry I, II, and III notes, labs, and activities)
Allie's Homework: finish your chemical burning lab from last week and do 1 field journal &--if it is okay with your mom, do this "Silver Egg" experiment. Watch the video from time 1:33-1:59: