Choose one of the pictures below and make up a story about it. Where is it? What does it look like? What happened before? What is happening now? What will happen next? Who is there? What can be heard? What does it smell like? What does it feel like?
Also, 2nd grade and 3rd grade, underline some nouns in what you wrote (a noun is a person, place, thing, animal, idea).
Use your best spelling, but don’t let it slow you down too much.
Parents can transcribe what the student says, word for word so the student's true voice can be heard. (These are just guidelines; write longer or shorter if the student needs/wants to.)
Blue Books: Do pages 10, 11, 12
Yellow Books: Do pages 10, 11, 12
Orange Books: Do pages 10, 11, 12
Journal of your choice, remembering to add in some fantastic word choice. Ideas might be a favorite place outside, your bedroom, something very familiar to you. The writing resource page link below also has a link to images that might inspire you if needed.