Field Journal (Draw and write about something you learned this week.) Length: 1st grade just a few words; 2nd grade 1-2 sentences; 3rd grade and up 3-5 sentences.
Home Lab: Watch this video--> Constellations: Connect the Dots in the Sky! After the video, use the star stickers to do the constellation worksheets Miss Lori sent home & then MAKE YOUR OWN STAR PATTERN and tell a story about it on the worksheet Miss Lori sent home. You can do the dot-to-dots and maze worksheets too if you want to!
Watch the videos at home & ADD to your note pages. I will check :)
2 Entries about this week's learning in your field journal with a drawing for each or paste in an image/picture for each.
Next week's assigned research (see questions below)
No quiz next week
Allie's Homework: 1 field journal from what you learned this week & this lab: Afterschool Universe: Creating a Black Hole (if you don't have a scale, don't worry about weight)
HIGH SCHOOL ASSIGNED RESEARCH QUESTIONS Add your notes to the Google Doc "Week 11: Electricity" (by MONDAY at 6pm)
Week 11: Electricity
What is an electron?
Define electric field. What charges attract? What charges repel?
Define electric charge. What is the "Law of Electric Charge"?
What is static electricity?
Explain how electricity flows.
What is charging something by friction? Induction? Conduction?
What is "grounding" in terms of electricity? What is a lightning rod?
What is an electroscope?
What is lightning? How does it work?
What are the 3 types of lightning that occur above the clouds? List some notes about each.
What is a capacitor?
What are some good and bad conductors of electricity? What is a "superconductor"? What are good and bad insulators of electricity?