Field Journal (Draw and write about something you learned this week.) Length: 1st grade just a few words; 2nd grade 1-2 sentences; 3rd grade and up 3-5 sentences.
Lab: Earthquake Shake! Watch this video and construct your earthquake shaker. Then use anything around the house to build different structures on it & test them by shaking! (You could use Legos, blocks, toothpicks with playdough or tiny marshmallows to hold them together, spaghetti and rubber bands, pretzels, popsicle sticks, etc. How do your different structures hold up?
Allison Homework: 1 field journal from what you learned this week & 1 journal about your lab. To do the lab, watch this video and DO the same thing--make sure to use HOT water to dissolve as much Epsom Salts as you can into your water: LAB: How to make: SALT CRYSTALS!
HIGH SCHOOL ASSIGNED RESEARCH QUESTIONS Add your notes to the Google Doc Week 6: Waves (by Tuesday at 6pm)
Week 6: Waves
What is a wave?
What are these parts of a wave: amplitude, crest, trough?
What is frequency? What is wavelength? How do you calculate wave speed?
What is a pendulum? What is its period? What does its period depend on and what does it not depend on?
What is a longitudinal wave? What is the compression and rarefaction of a longitudinal wave?
What is a transverse wave?
What are the different mediums different types of waves travel through?
In terms of waves, explain reflection, diffraction, constructive interference, destructive interference and refraction.
Research sound including: intensity, pitch, “audible”, harmony vs dissonance, refraction, and what is the speed of sound?
What is the Doppler Effect?
What is infrasonic vs ultrasonic? And what is a “sonic boom”?