Next week's assigned research (see below) due by Tuesday at 2:00; Send by email.
Study for Quiz.
Make element flashcards of the following elements for your family to share: 1-20, 24-30, 35, 38, 47-48, 50, 53, 56, 79, 80 & 82 (with symbol and number on one side and name on the other)--the periodic table links above will help!
7th Graders:
Draw (or find a picture about) and Write notes about 4 things you learned;
Study for quiz.
(Ty, you need to make the flashcards too.)
5th Graders:
Draw (or find a picture about) and Write notes about 2 things you learned.
ASSIGNED RESEARCH QUESTIONS 9th/10th Graders: (2 each--divide and conquer) **If you want to also use an image and it won't download, send me a link**
Name some physical properties of matter.
Name some chemical properties of matter.
What is the difference between extensive properties and intensive properties?
What is the difference between homogeneous substances and heterogeneous substances? Give some examples of each.
How can you tell if any physical changes have occurred in a particular sample of matter?
How can you tell if any chemical changes have occurred in a particular sample of matter?
Define "element".
What are subatomic particles? Name their charges if they have them.
Each of you answer these also: A. Why is observation important to a scientist? B. From memory, write down 3 observations about the weather yesterday without asking anyone.