Field Journal (Draw and write about something you learned this week.) Length: 1st grade just a few words; 2nd grade 1-2 sentences; 3rd grade and up 3-5 sentences.
Lab--Shadow Tracing Art! (Light source, paper, pencil/markers, etc., and objects) You will probably have to do this inside with a lamp and some toys or other objects or a plant. Here is a video with some examples:Shadow Art with Kids and OHA
Allison Homework: 1 field journal from what you learned this week & make a few pictures with Light Bright and snap a pic and have someone text them to me. (And please bring back the Light Bright :) )
HIGH SCHOOL ASSIGNED RESEARCH QUESTIONS Add your notes to the Google Doc "Week 9: Sun and Moon" (by Tuesday at 6pm)
Week 9: Sun and Moon
Define these words: luminous, radiant energy
What is the composition of the sun?
Write a little about each of these layers of the sun: core, radiation zone, convection zone
Write a little about each of these parts of the sun’s atmosphere: photosphere, chromosphere, and the corona.
What are solar winds? What is a sunspot? What is a solar flare
What is a spectroscope and what is it used for?
What is a satellite? What is an artificial vs natural satellite? What is an orbit?
The Moon: What is the surface like? What are its phases? How long does it take for it to orbit around the earth? How does it rotate?
Research how the moon affects tide (high and low), etc.
How does earth’s tilt affect our temperature around the globe? How does its solar rotation affect temperature around the globe? (Also what causes seasons?)
Define these words: equinox, solstice
Describe a little about each of these climate zones on earth: tropical, arid, temperate, continental, polar.